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_Reichstagsplatz Berlin
Torsten Weber / Frank Forell /
Manuel Windmann
Link: Akademie der Künste Berlin
´Hugo Haering´ 15.07.01 - 01.08.01
Link: Deutsches Architekturmuseum
´Hugo Haering´ 13.07.02 - 22.09.02
exhibition model
reconstruation, visualizing and model construction
The exhibition shows the work of the architect Hugo Haering (1882-1958) with drawings, models, furniture, letters, con-temporary photographs, his own works as artist and craftsman and a selection of his numerous theoretical writings.
Some of the most important works - apart from the famous Gut Garkau Ostholstein (1922-1928), his urban planning projects in Berlin and his competition design for the Leipzig Central Station (1922).