town planning
model construction
manuel windmann
home >> architecture >> competitions >> Nord/LB Topping Work
_Nord/LB Topping Work

Britta Bremer / Manuel Windmann

student idea contest 2001

Illustration: hand drafts, perspectives with china ink and photo collages
Model: MDF, serigraphy carton (1:100)

The task was to create a new working environment on an exposed place above the roofs of Braunschweig topping up the Nord/LB building.

It was supposed to have room on one half for working and the other half for recreation areas. Furthermore a readability of this “openness” was requested. The topping up consists of two elements, the beam and the flat. These two elements are piled up alternately around the extended staircase. From the flats one can experience the whole city panorama and calmly enjoy the views.
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